Who We Are

Our People

Zion Gezaw


Zion Gezaw works as an Associate on the Engaged Students team at Education First. She is excited to join Ed First as she is truly passionate about dismantling white supremacy in education, through Culturally Responsive Education (CRE), high-quality and engaging instructional materials, along with ensuring an equitable and transformative education experience for all, especially students from marginalized communities.

Before starting at Education First, Zion worked in education for six years as a middle school English Language Arts (ELA) teacher in Title 1 schools, along with serving as an instructional coach for ELA and CRE. She recently left the K12 setting after serving as an assistant principal before joining Ed First. She is looking to make a bigger impact in education by supporting teachers and school leaders in creating equitable and supportive school environments for students.

As a first generation college student, Zion graduated with her educational doctorate (Ed.D) from the University of Denver, where she studied Curriculum and Instruction, as well as Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Her research focused on how white teachers can dismantle white supremacy in schools through CRE. She hopes her research will support school leaders in creating anti-racist schools that best serve all students, especially those in underserved communities.

Zion lives in Denver, Colorado where she enjoys hiking, hip hop Zumba, journaling and spending time with loved ones. In her spare time, you can find Zion searching for the best travel deals to chase after gorgeous views and cultures from around the world.


Academic and Non-Academic Supports for Students

Educator Evaluation, Development & Support

Teacher Leadership, Teacher Voice & Career Pathways

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Results-Driven Meetings & Facilitations

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Zion likes

Chasing sunsets

Finding the best views

Publications authored by Zion

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