
Transform the Teaching Profession

Today’s schools demand overhauls to how we recruit, prepare and staff classrooms and schools

We believe it’s time to transform the teaching profession because the old ways simply aren’t working. More than half of all public schools are understaffed, with teacher burnout and resignations at all-time levels. Most schools still operate with a “one teacher, one classroom” model that fails to meet the needs of many students. We know that educators succeed when they are prepared and trained for the classrooms and students they will teach, and when they are supported once in schools with high-quality, job-embedded professional learning to help their students thrive academically and socially. We also know that students are more likely to succeed when educators reflect their racial and cultural identities. Education First collaborates with school system and state leaders, unions and educator preparation programs to design policies, systems and structures that transform how teachers and leaders are recruited, trained and supported. As former educators and system leaders, we understand the challenges of talent development and we can help you identify the changes that will allow your students and educators to finally succeed. Education First:

  • Promotes and develops innovations in how schools are staffed, educator talent is organized and educator professional learning is designed and delivered in order to meet students’ social and emotional needs and support students to access joyful, affirming, grade-level instruction
  • Redesigns educator recruiting and preparation to align with local labor markets and meet the needs of the communities in which educators will work
  • Constructs strategies that increase educator wellbeing and inspire educators to stay in the profession
  • Convenes leaders from across the school system or state department to collaborate to advance aligned academic strategies and talent solutions so that educators don’t have to make sense of the various directives and support on their own

Teaching Profession Experts

Education First is a seasoned team of trusted advisors to the leaders responsible for delivering what many Americans want most: public education that effectively prepares all students for success in college, careers and a world of constant change.

Rashidah Lopez Morgan professional headshot
Rashidah Lopez Morgan
John Luczak
John Luczak
Kelly Kovacic Duran
Kelly Kovacic Duran
Principal Consultant
Celena Siprajim
Celena Siprajim
Principal Consultant
Learn about our people

Recent clients

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Copy

The Teacher Preparation Transformation Initiative supports eight networks of teacher preparation programs, which also come together in a community of practice facilitated by Education First to transform the way teachers are prepared for the classroom.

Great Lakes Educator Shortage Community of Practice

Education First facilitates the Midwest Educator Shortage Community of Practice to support five SEA teams– Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Ohio—in making progress on teacher shortage policy strategies to increase the quantity, quality and diversity of teachers in their state. The group convenes quarterly to learn from leading organizations and researchers on model policies and topics of joint interest, share and workshop problems of practice and learn about successful past and current efforts of other state teams.

Joyce Foundation Copy

Through our partnerships with talent leaders in Chicago, Indianapolis and Minneapolis, we helped launch a fellowship for high-potential student teachers; created a cooperating teacher selection and training process; designed and produced data reports for partner programs; developed surveys for recent graduates of teacher preparation programs; and supported the development of several innovative new educator pathways, including Teach Chicago Tomorrow, IndyTeach and registered teacher apprenticeships in each district.

Saint Paul Public Schools

Education First worked closely with leaders at St. Paul Public Schools (SPPS) to develop a strategy for improving educator recruitment and retention across the district, with a focus on educators of color. The recruitment and retention strategy included research-based strategies to improve recruitment and retention for all educators and specifically educators of color aligned to SPPS district goals, along with priority activities, action steps necessary for implementation and key measures of success.

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