
Our Blog

Website Update: Featured Resources

Over the past few years, we at Education First have created a number of tools and resources–specialized websites, toolkits, videos, maps and others–that we have released publicly for families, educators, policymakers, funders and other advocates. As of this week, a selection of these tools and resources now “live” on one section of our websites, which we are calling “Featured Resources.” A few examples are:

  • “Reimagining Teacher Preparation Programs,” a toolkit for leaders of teacher preparation programs, teacher educators, policymakers and more
  • A set of videos from our Chief Talent Officer Community of Practice featuring leaders from Chicago Public Schools, Indianapolis Public Schools and Minneapolis Public Schools
  • “SEL for Teachers” a website with resources for teachers interested in implementing social and emotional learning in their classrooms

We will continue to add to the page as tools and resources are created. Please share widely, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.



Meet the experts who authored this post

Jacob Waters Headshot
Jacob Waters
Senior Manager, Communications

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