
Our Publications

Student Learning Objectives: Measuring Student Growth and Supporting Great Teaching

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are a way to measure student growth and reinforce effective teaching practices, but they can also be resource-intensive and challenging to implement. In this brief, we explain how state and district leaders can overcome these challenges by committing the time, resources and training needed incorporate high-quality SLOs into their teacher evaluation systems. We offer four main recommendations: (1) Establish a clear purpose and vision for using SLOs; (2) communicate the purpose and vision to teachers and principals; (3) align SLOs with other reform initiatives and goal-setting efforts; and (4) survey the right students. For each recommendation, we include specific strategies and resources that states and districts can use.

We developed this brief with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of a series focused on teacher effectiveness titled Evaluation & Support: Strategies for Success. The series includes an introduction and six briefs providing district and state leaders with practical advice for implementing high-quality evaluation systems.

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Meet the experts who authored this post

John Luczak
John Luczak
Chad Rubalcaba
Chad Rubalcaba
Principal and Senior Director of Consulting Practice
Kate Sullivan Frades
Senior Consultant
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