
Our Publications

The Common Core Standards & Assessment Landscape

A lot has changed since 2010, when states began adopting Common Core State Standards and aligned assessments. Each year has seen some states attempt to change or repeal entirely the new standards and assessments, making for a constantly shifting landscape. To help policymakers and practitioners keep track of where states are, we developed these maps (updated January 2017) showing where each state stands with respect to its current standards and assessments as well as any legislation that may affect either moving forward. The maps show that for the most part, states are sticking with Common Core State Standards though there is some volatility in the assessments states plan to use.

We designed these maps so that readers can repurpose and share the content with their stakeholders. Users should feel free to customize the slides as needed.

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Meet the experts who authored this post

Bill Porter
Bill Porter
Partner Emeritus
Joe Anderson
Joe Anderson
Director of Consulting Practice
Lisa Towne
Lisa Towne
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