Teacher preparation programs cannot operate in isolation. Well beyond placing student teachers in local schools, programs should deeply engage, understand and support their surrounding school systems.
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District Pipeline Materials:
MA DESE uses these documents to provide districts with data on where their teachers come from and a set of discussion questions for district leaders to reflect on their data. State policymakers can use these materials as templates for sharing data on teacher preparation programs with school districts. Building off this work, MA DESE has developed a more dynamic report for districts that they will be able to access at any time through a secure portal. This data is also now being shared on ESE’s Public Profiles. | |
District/Prep Partnership Webpage
MA DESE maintains a website that describes how prep programs partner with school districts to promote high-quality training and support through student teaching placements. Audiences can use the resources included on the site to launch and improve partnerships between school districts and teacher prep programs. | |
Enacting a Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
NCTR provides technical assistance to its partners on strategies to actively recruit and select high quality candidates of color who have the skills, knowledge and dispositions to become effective teachers in PK-12 district and charter schools. Others can use this webinar presentation and resource list to plan technical assistance to teacher preparation programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion. | |
Kansas City Teacher Residency Theory of Change
The Kansas City Teacher Residency program developed this theory of action to describe the organization’s mission and its approach to addressing local teacher educator needs. Using this resource as a model, others can develop a theory of change that meets the needs of students and educators in their communities. | |
Reviewer Recruitment Process
This resource describes how DESE recruits PK-12 educators to serve on teams that review teacher preparation programs in Massachusetts. Through this effort, DESE has been able to successfully recruit and support review teams equally comprised of volunteer PK-12 and representatives from teacher prep programs. Policymakers in other states can use this approach to engage educators in the review of local teacher preparation programs. | |
Sample MOU between University and School District
This is a sample university-school district memorandum of understanding (MOU). This example is for a specific teacher prep program model, but can be adapted to fit the needs of similar programs that are built on university and school district partnerships. | |
Sample School District-University Partnership Governance Meeting Protocol
This protocol provides a roadmap for facilitating meetings between university and school district staff for the purpose of shared decision-making and collaboration. | |
Sample video of a governance meeting
This video shows a sample of a partnership meeting between a university and a school. This resource gives program administrators an understanding of what a partnership meeting might look and sound like. | |
Seattle Teacher Residency (STR) Collaborative Walkthrough Report, Spring 2018
STR developed a Collaborative Walkthrough protocol to engage school principals in observations of mentors and residents alongside program staff to strengthen school-program partnerships. Audiences can adapt this protocol to plan and conduct co-observations of teacher candidates and mentor teachers and engage school-based staff in supporting teacher candidates.
Texas Tech Case Study
This case study describes how teacher preparation partnerships, when done well, can support district and university simultaneous renewal. Program leaders can utilize this case study to think deeper about their district partnerships and gain ideas for strengthening them. | |
District Governance Protocol
This protocol describes the process for implementing university-school governance meetings. This tool helps supervisors and program directors plan for and implement partnership meetings. |
This icon denotes tools that can be adapted and customized to meet your specific needs and context | This icon denotes resources that cannot be customized but can provide helpful guidance and reference material |
For more resources on building strong partnerships between school districts and teacher preparation programs, see this toolkit.
*For the purposes of these toolkits, we define audience roles as follows: